I don't know if I'm allowed to have favorites, and usually I don't, but this family is very near and dear to my heart. I met them because their daughter, Olive, picked me out of a crowd at a restaurant and became my friend. How cool is that?? Over the years, I've become lucky enough to be able to photograph some of their biggest milestones - from Angie's pregnancy with their son Van, to Olive's daily life, and family portraits several years in a row.
Angie and Sean are incredible parents. They let their children be who they really are, and allow their creativity and little personalities to run wild. I always look forward to spending time with them, and over they years - Angie has always made the request that my main focus when photographing her kiddos be on their every day routines. It's always one of my favorite sessions every year. Last year we chronicled bath time, gardening, lunch, and play time. This year it was kitchen help, composting, recycling, bike riding, and a puppet show. :) I also love how just spending time with the kiddos in and around their house make the actual family photos go so much smoother! (How cool is that?)
I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do. There's just something magical about this little family, and my bond with their little Olive. <3
And last but not least, my little Olive and I. (Like I said, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to play favorites, but when a kid just picks you, you kinda fall in love!)