Sarah and Mike came to ATP through Sarah's sister, Emily (who is now one of our BirthStory clients!). Emily and I taught together several years ago, and we all ran in to each other at a bridal show that we were at last year. Before I knew it, Sarah and Mike were in my office for a consultation. Their consultation was one of the longest (and best!) consults last year... because we had so much fun!! We sat in my office for almost four hours that night, giggling and cracking jokes. When they left, I sat back and thought to myself, "I don't care if they book ATP or not... we're gonna be great friends!". Needless to say, they accepted our offer the next day, and the rest is history!
This couple is fun-loving, hilarious, and perfect for each other. Their humor is refreshing, their energy is contagious... and they are just so darn adorable! Their engagement session took place on a gorgeous fall day. We started out at Jefferson Barrack's Park, and then headed to Growler's Pub - which is where their very first date was. (How cute is that?)
If you've never been to Growler's, you should go. Soon. :) They have every kind of beer you could ever dream of, and they even have a "Royal Order of Tasters" card where you mark off each kind of beer that you've tasted there. I used Sarah's card for her ring shot! Below, you'll see Sarah and Mike chilling at the bar, and sitting at the very table where their first date occurred. (See - I told you they were cute!) Mike even came up with the cool idea of writing something in bottle caps... so we did their wedding date!
I'm very excited for their big day, which is right around the corner. They are getting married early on a Saturday morning, and then having a "Brunch Reception" at Windows on Washington! It's seriously going to be amazing and totally unique. CONGRATS, YOU GUYS!