This past Monday, I turned 32 years old. I wasn't dreading turning another year older, and in fact - I was looking forward to it. The older I get, the more I understand that I'm getting better with age. I'm learning more about myself every day, and really starting to understand what life is all about. It's not so bad, this "growing old" thing.
I saw this video today, and completely fell in love with it. I want to be like these women when I grow up. They remind me of my girlfriends and I. :)
I know one thing for sure: This whole "growing older" thing wouldn't be as much fun if I didn't have my best friend by my side. Amber and I have been BFF's for over 10 years now. We met in junior college, and got reacquainted a few years later, after we'd both moved back home from our universities. The rest is history. She's been by my side through everything. She was with me when I shot my first wedding 7 years ago, she was holding my hand the day I decided to stop teaching and move forward with my photography full time, and now she works for ATP as our Office Manager. She stands by my side, supports me, and really genuinely loves me and cares about me. She is what friendship is all about. (I know, I know -- I'm so sappy today!)
Considering it's been 10 years, and her and I only have some good "Facebook/shoot your own" photos together, I decided that I wanted to have some fun photos of her and I together for my birthday. With the amazing Bonnie Nichoalds (ATP Staff Photog) behind the lens, we had a blast.
(I just ADORE this "Besties" photo above... it has inspired a new session idea... so keep your eyes peeled!!)
We couldn't end the day without some silly photos to commemorate and celebrate another year of life and friendship. (These photos are SO FUN! Thanks, Bonnie, for the incredible idea!!)
A BIG THANKS to Trish at Salon Dacota ( for the hair and makeup!