Late last night I got a text from my BFF, Kelly. To be honest, it was a message I've been dreading for awhile. Kelly and her family have known that their pup has had cancer, and were just waiting for her to let them know when she was ready to travel over The Rainbow Bridge. Last night, this sweet family had to say goodbye to their sweet girl.
In late August, when they received the news, I got a call from Kelly asking me to photograph her clan all together with Harley. Keep in mind that I've been incredibly close with Kelly for many years and I know that she absolutely dreads having her photo taken... so it took a lot of courage for her to ask for this photo session. I was honored and humbled to capture such a sweet chapter in their lives together.
Harley was quite a special dog. Her sweet nature was captivating. She was intuitive, spunky, hilarious, and tender. I think Kelly said it best: "Everything about you made my heart sing. You were so mouthy and stubborn, but I knew it was just because you were a tiny reflection of me. You saw right threw me. The days I needed you, you'd curl up in the crook of my legs, and keep me grounded. We wanted to run, we ran together. We wanted to rest, we cuddled together. Under red blankets that you weren't supposed to lay on... And I'd fein innocence like I didn't know you had curled up to keep me safe. My spirit soars away with you, into the wind tonight. You were perfect for me. For us. An irreplaceable part of my heart. Thank you for every kiss, every snuggle, every second of the 5 years you spent on earth - I will cherish you."
We will all cherish you, sweet Harley Quinn.