I'm super tickled to share this website with you guys!
Picture this: A chubby guy wants to be stylish. He has a hard time finding clothes that fit him that aren't funny looking or average. He decides to start a blog about his frustrations, and before he knows it... the blog has blossomed in to a full-fledged fashion website.
Yep. TRUE story. :)
Chubstr is on the leading edge of a new wave of websites, offering serious interaction with real-life people. It's pretty awesome, if I say so myself. You can follow them on Twitter, Facebook, and on the website itself. Click HERE to check it out.
I was lucky enough to do a photo shoot for the founder of Chubstr last month, and during that shoot, he asked me if Chubstr could do a feature article on ME. At first I was like, "Uh. I'm not a stylish dude." We giggled, and then he explained that they are beginning a new monthly feature called "Chubstr Crush", where they are going to be featuring awesome chicks. I'm honored to say that I'm the first "Chubstr Crush". :)
Anywho - I was interviewed by phone while I was in Tampa, and it was a great experience. Little did I know that the article would be so awesome. Included are some pretty cool photos that one of our ATP Interns took of me! (Thanks, Bonnie!!)
Go check it HERE...