Meet Katie and Jenny. They have been together for almost 10 years, and got married on May 2, 2009. They were legally married in Iowa on March 12, 2010 (How cool is that??!). They decided to start their family, and the journey was a bit bumpy, but truly inspiring. This couple is strong in their faith, and play a big roll in my life. Katie and I have been close friends for 11 years, and I'm a better person because of our friendship. When I found out that she and Jenny were pregnant, I was ecstatic! (Make you sure you check out that story at the end of this blog!)
How cool is this rainbow wall?? It's in a top secret location, but I have been waiting for the right people to photograph there. Not only are rainbows the symbol for LGBT Community Support (Click HERE to show your support), but they also symbolize babies that are born to a family after the loss of a child. Katie and Jenny lost their first baby in January 2011, 3 months after conception. After three more tries, they found out in October 2011 that they were expecting again. Even though their journey was rough, they handled it with grace and courage. I couldn't be more proud of them.
This last picture means a lot to me. One night Katie and I decided to head out to one of our favorite bars for a little karaoke. While we were sitting and chatting, one of our favorite songs came on. "Cotton candy, sweet and low, let me see that TOOTSIE ROLL!" (Click HERE to listen!) We got up and started to dance around. I glanced at Katie, and she was digging in the pocket of her jacket while were dancing, and before I knew it - she was slowly pulling out this long piece of paper. I stopped dancing immediately... and started screaming. It was sonogram pictures!!! I immediately yelled, "Jenny's pregnant!!!! You're having a little Tootsie Roll!!!" And the rest is history. :) We called the baby Tootsie Roll until the day he arrived.
Keep your eyes peeled for more photos featuring these two wonderful ladies and their new little man!
Make sure you mention Katie & Jenny when you book your session with ATP, because you'll both be rewarded with FREE goodies!