Today is my first day back in the office after 9 days away. I can't lie - I'm happy to be back and settling into my normal routine. This morning I was up by 7am, working out by 8am (Trainer Joanie was in full force today!) and by 10am I had the kitchen clean and was sitting at my computer. I've been here for a little over 2 hours and decided to take a quick Facebook break and ran across a post by one of my besties. She asked for people to tell her what makes them happy. I had about 20 different things run through my head and then it struck me: HOW AWESOME IS IT THAT I HAVE SO MANY THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY???!!!
I decided to share a few with you. Most of my blogs are related to Abbie Takes Pictures and the stories I get to tell with my photos. But today I'm focusing on MY story -- because WHY NOT?! :)
Here are some pretty incredible things that make me happy:
1. I just held my Third Annual Abbie Takes Pictures Photography Workshop 2 weekends ago. It was one of the best experiences of my life... for so many different reasons. First and foremost, I love teaching. I love the feeling of empowering other people with the skills they need to achieve their dreams. With photography, there are so many different aspects to running a business and it's incredibly hard if you don't have a good support network. I love creating a space where people (this year it was 12 incredible women) can come together and learn, empower, share, bond, lift up, encourage... and just immerse themselves in their craft. This workshop in particular transformed beyond the skill set that my co-teacher and I were teaching. A circle of 17 women shared some of their biggest fears, lifted each other up, bonded, and had MAJOR breakthroughs. It was magical. I believe that digging deep inside yourself and learning who you are and what you need is the basis to being able to live a happy life... and it's also the base that is needed to run a business. I couldn't be more happy to be a part of this tribe of women.
2. My friends & family make me happy. Like... crazy awesome happy! I'm surrounded by the most inspiring, hilarious, loving people. I just can't say enough about my support network... so I'll just leave it with this: THANK YOU ALL FOR LOVING ME UNCONDITIONALLY. #enoughsaid
3. Some of you may know and some of you may not know, but the past year I've been on a journey to discover more about myself. Digging deeper into my habits, my thought patterns, my "WHY" of life... I discovered there was so much that I didn't know about myself. Being open and real with yourself is completely and totally the hardest thing a human will ever have to do (in my humble opinion). Let's be real: this journey definitely hasn't been full of happiness. However, about seven weeks ago I turned a huge corner of self-discovery. I'm slowly starting to own some new happiness for myself and it feels absolutely amazing. I want and deserve to do things that will keep me healthier and living the longest life possible (because I seriously have the best life ever!). For the first time in 36 years, I'm openly, honestly, and realistically moving towards a healthier version of ME, mentally and physically. I've finally realized that in order to get the results, I have to believe the results are possible. That means ignoring societies standards, labels, and expectations... ignoring the negative self-talk that runs through my head (you know what I'm talking about... we've all done it at one time or another), and truly, deeply focusing on who I am and what I want. THIS plan of action makes me HAPPY. Like... more happy then I've ever been. (A HUGE THANKS goes out to my therapist, my trainer, & my X-Bility Family for helping me along this journey. If you have never seen a therapist before, please don't miss out on the opportunity. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself.) #oversharedontcare
Who am I? I am a strong, confident, real woman that wants the best for herself. Doing what authentically makes me happy has been a complete game changer and I my intentions are set on continuing this journey for the rest of my life.
If you've made it this far and read through this entire post, then please comment below or on the post of Facebook and tell me what makes YOU happy! (I'll be randomly drawing one comment to win a $50 ATP Print Gift Card tomorrow morning!)
Sep 1, 2016, 7:07:51 PM
Flossie Wills - What makes me happy? Its hard given the stress I am continously under to find what happiness is. My Dad passed away last year, and I have felt a little lost but, once I read this it really made me realize that...
I am happy that I had 82 wonderful, full of life and laughter years with my dad.
I am happy he didn't suffer, or go in pain.
I am happy knowing he is no longer sick. That he is in a better place.
I am happy that I have a decent relationship with my ex for the sake of our daughter.
I am happy for the two most beautiful children I have been blessed with.
I am happy for the amazing husband and best friend that I have.
I am happy that we rescued his two sons from their evil mother.
I am happy for all of the blessings that I am given everyday that most overlook.
Mostly, I am happy for the air in my lungs and the beat in my heart to continue to be a daughter, sister, mother, wife, aunt, and cousin.
Aug 30, 2016, 11:48:31 AM
Stephany Herzog - Thank you for sharing and I 100% agree that everyone should see a therapist. As a social worker, I was required too and it was such a lovely experience and really a great way to better understand who we are.
What makes me happy? A hug from a student, my cats, seeing someone I have supported reach goals ( even if they don't know),, seeing friends happy, my nephew, Derek, coffee, traveling, and he end of the day when I know I have given my all!
Aug 29, 2016, 8:18:02 PM
Lauren Kray - I am so so happy when I help my kiddos achieve their dreams and they can do awesome things like do jumping jacks in PE or climb the ladder to go down the slide! :)
Aug 29, 2016, 7:35:15 PM
Barb Daniels - A few weeks ago Dani and I went to your conference. I don't know I was going to get what I got out of it. Since I have been back to the studio I have been more positive and I'm ready to go and do anything. Abbie's team has saved me from just giving up and letting my business go.
My husband, kids and grandson make me happy but is a given. I'm just thankful after this week that everyone is getting back to healthy again.
Aug 29, 2016, 7:28:59 PM
RK Woods - What a lovely, POSITIVE post! Congrats on self-discovery! And yes, a great counselor/therapist is a valuable thing to have! :)
My girls telling me "I love you Mommy" every day makes me happy.
But even better, recently grasping what unconditional love and grace truly means, that God loves me no matter what, even when I make the wrong choice, is a thing of lasting joy!
Aug 29, 2016, 5:45:02 PM
Kristina - Reading and my cats. Seriously no matter what is going on, how stressed or anxious or overwhelmed I am... it all becomes much more manageable after a few cat cuddles and some quality time with a good book.
Aug 29, 2016, 5:28:52 PM
Trainer Joanie - I am happy when client/friend has a positive break through! That, and your laugh makes me happy!!!
Aug 29, 2016, 4:01:47 PM
Maxine Brenner - How surprising my David is and knowing I am lucky enough to have him with me for the rest of my life. Last night was the year engagement anniversary for us. He surprised me as I was sitting on the couch and just dropped to one knee and proposed again. With the famed ring pop. I am so elated to have been able to find my counterpart.
Aug 29, 2016, 2:53:22 PM
Sarah Hammel - You go girl! My furbies make me SO happy. Their unconditional love makes any bad day better. All it takes is a hug and some snuggles and everything is ok again.
Aug 29, 2016, 2:25:30 PM
Wendy Miller - My son, Colby, makes me happy!
Aug 29, 2016, 2:14:55 PM
Shelli Alred - This post makes me happy! You deserve the best :)
Aug 29, 2016, 1:46:29 PM
Cassandra - Abbie what makes me happy is life. It is so precious and we can be gone in a twinkle of the eye. Topping my happiness off with the love I have for my two sons, making my life complete.
Aug 29, 2016, 1:23:20 PM
Jen - My happiness comes from the power to help others. The belief people have in my abilities, and my amazing friends and family!
Aug 29, 2016, 1:13:44 PM
Julie - Abbie, I'm glad to hear you are so happy and thank you again for the great pictures! My husband, family and friends make me happy! :)
Aug 29, 2016, 1:04:02 PM
Kelsey Juern - I was in a wedding Saturday and got to see all the love and excitement surrounding them! That makes me happy!
Aug 29, 2016, 1:01:41 PM
Beth Cook - The color of the sunrise... Makes me Happy!
The sound of the ocean... Makes me Happy!
A great mexican meal... Makes me Happy!
The lyrics of a great song... Makes me Happy!
Spending time with those I love...Makes me Happy!
My sweet dog snuggled up close... Makes me Happy!
Good health... Makes me happy!
God's promise ... Makes me Happy!
Kalyn's infectios laugh... Kennedy's heartfelt hugs and the caring and kindness in Turner's eyes... Makes me Happy...
And the gift of your friendship and talent ... Makes me Happy!
Love you girl. Thx for your positive self today! Xo
Aug 29, 2016, 12:53:21 PM
Tammy - Simply put... INSPIRING!